ICGOO在线商城 > ACS 5s R47 K T&R
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ACS 5s R47 K T&R产品简介:
ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供ACS 5s R47 K T&R由Arcol设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 提供ACS 5s R47 K T&R价格参考以及ArcolACS 5s R47 K T&R封装/规格参数等产品信息。 你可以下载ACS 5s R47 K T&R参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书, 资料中有ACS 5s R47 K T&R详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
参数 | 数值 |
品牌 | Arcol |
产品目录 | 无源元件 |
描述 | 线绕电阻器 - 透孔 5W .47 ohm 10% T/R |
产品分类 | |
产品手册 | |
产品图片 | |
rohs | 符合RoHS |
产品系列 | 线绕电阻器,线绕电阻器 - 透孔,Arcol ACS 5s R47 K T&R |
产品型号 | ACS 5s R47 K T&R |
产品 | Power Resistors Wirewound Silicone Coated |
产品种类 | 线绕电阻器 - 透孔 |
功率额定值 | 5 W |
商标 | Arcol |
外壳直径 | 4.78 mm |
外壳长度 | 12.7 mm |
容差 | 10 % |
封装 | Reel |
工作温度范围 | - 55 C to + 350 C |
工厂包装数量 | 1000 |
引线直径 | 0.8 mm |
温度系数 | 90 PPM / C |
电压额定值 | 157 V |
电阻 | 0.47 Ohms |
端接类型 | Axial |
类型 | ARCOL Axial Coated Silicon Resistor |
系列 | ACS |
ACS Silicon Coated Axial Resistors The design of the ACS resistor provides a good balance of power density, stability and resistance to environment for a broad range of industrial power applications, such as drives and controls. • Good ratio between power capability and physical size • Wound to maximise high pulse capability • Low inductive versions available • Available on tape and reel 1W to 5W or bulk • RoHS Compliant Characteristics Tolerance (Code): Standard F (±1%), J (±5%) and K (±10%); other tolerances available on request Temperature coefficient: <1R ± 90ppm/°C, 1R-10R ±50ppm/°C, >10R ± 20ppm/°C Insulation resistance: 1, 000M ohms minimum dry, 100M ohms minimum after moisture test Dielectric withstand voltage: 500V AC MIL types: Available upon request. Electrical Specifications Derating Curve Resistance range for 100 Max 5% tolerance Type Wattage working 80 voltage (V) Non Inductive Inductive (N) % 60 ACS 1 - d ACS 1 1 50 R01 - 8K R01 - 3K oa ACS 10L d l 40 ACS 2 2 100 R01 - 10K R01 - 4K ate ACS 5S R ACS 3 3 200 R02 - 18K R02 - 9K 20 ACS 5S 5 157 R05 - 22K R05 - 10K 0 ACS 5L 5 400 R05 - 35K R05 - 17K 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 ACS 7 7 450 R06 - 50K R06 - 25K Temperature ˚C ACS 10S 10 700 R1 - 70K R1 - 35K ACS 10L 10 800 R3 - 100K R5 - 50K Typical Inductance Ordering Procedure Type <50 ohms >50 ohms Standard Resistor To specify standard: Series, Wattage Rating, ACS 1 - ACS2 0.2µH 0.37µH Winding Type, Resistance and Tolerance Code, ACS 3 - ACS5L 0.3µH 0.6µH e.g.: ACS3 18K F ACS3N 18K F (non-inductive) ACS 7 - ACS 10L 0.65µH 1.2µH Tolerance (Code) ±1% (F), ±5% (J), ±10% (K) As specified by MIL-R-39007. Max series inductance at 0.5MHz. ARCOL UK Limited, The information contained herein does not form part of Threemilestone Ind. Estate, a contract and is subject to change without notice. Arcol Truro, Cornwall, TR4 9LG, UK. operate a policy of continual product development, therefore, T +44 (0) 1872 277431 specifications may change. F +44 (0) 1872 222002 E sales@arcolresistors.com It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the component selected from our range is suitable for the intended www.arcolresistors.com application. If in doubt please ask Arcol. Page 1 of 2 7 / 12.30
ACS Silicon Coated Axial Resistors Dimensions (mm) C B C D Type B ± 1.5 C ± 1.0 D ± 0.02 E ± 0.8 ACS 1 12 37.0 0.8 4 ACS 2 13.8 35.0 0.8 4.7 E ACS 3 15.7 35.0 0.8 5.9 ACS 5S 13 35.0 0.8 3.5 ACS 5L 22.5 44.0 1.0 8.52 ACS 7 24.5 44.0 1.0 8.52 ACS 10S 43.7 35 1.0 8.52 ACS 10L 46.2 33.0 1.0 10.5 AARRCCOOLL UUKK LLiimmiitteedd,, TThhee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ccoonnttaaiinneedd hheerreeiinn ddooeess nnoott ffoorrmm ppaarrtt ooff TThhrreeeemmiilleessttoonnee IInndd.. EEssttaattee,, aa ccoonnttrraacctt aanndd iiss ssuubbjjeecctt ttoo cchhaannggee wwiitthhoouutt nnoottiiccee.. AArrccooll TTrruurroo,, CCoorrnnwwaallll,, TTRR44 99LLGG,, UUKK.. ooppeerraattee aa ppoolliiccyy ooff ccoonnttiinnuuaall pprroodduucctt ddeevveellooppmmeenntt,, tthheerreeffoorree,, TT ++4444 ((00)) 11887722 227777443311 ssppeecciifificcaattiioonnss mmaayy cchhaannggee.. FF ++4444 ((00)) 11887722 222222000022 EE ssaalleess@@aarrccoollrreessiissttoorrss..ccoomm IItt iiss tthhee rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy ooff tthhee ccuussttoommeerr ttoo eennssuurree tthhaatt tthhee ccoommppoonneenntt sseelleecctteedd ffrroomm oouurr rraannggee iiss ssuuiittaabbllee ffoorr tthhee iinntteennddeedd wwwwww..aarrccoollrreessiissttoorrss..ccoomm aapppplliiccaattiioonn.. IIff iinn ddoouubbtt pplleeaassee aasskk AArrccooll.. PPaaggee 22 ooff 22 7 / 12.30
Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: O hmite: ACS 5s 22K J T&R ACS 5s 15K J T&R ACS 5s 10K J T&R ACS 5s 18K J T&R ACS 5s 12K J T&R ACS 5s 8R2 J T&R ACS 5s 820R J T&R ACS 5s R4 K T&R ACS 5s R8 K T&R ACS 5s R6 K T&R ACS 5s R2 K T&R ACS 5s R3 K T&R ACS 5s R7 K T&R ACS 5s R5 K T&R ACS 5s R9 K T&R ACS 5s R1 K T&R ACS 5s 270R J T&R ACS 5s 220R J T&R ACS 5s 2R7 J T&R ACS 5s 2R2 J T&R ACS 5s 6R8 J T&R ACS 5s 680R J T&R ACS 5s 1K5 J T&R ACS 5s 1K8 J T&R ACS 5s 1K2 J T&R ACS 5s 5K6 J T&R ACS 5s 330R J T&R ACS 5s 390R J T&R ACS 5s 4K7 J T&R ACS5S10RJ ACS 5s 1K J T&R ACS 5s 3R3 J T&R ACS 5s 3R9 J T&R ACS 5s 82R J T&R ACS 5s 47R J T&R ACS 5s 68R J T&R ACS 5s 22R J T&R ACS 5s 27R J T&R ACS 5s 56R J T&R ACS 5s 18R J T&R ACS 5s 10R J T&R ACS 5s 12R J T&R ACS 5s 15R J T&R ACS 5s 39R J T&R ACS 5s 33R J T&R ACS 5s 3K3 J T&R ACS 5s 3K9 J T&R ACS 5s 100R J T&R ACS 5s 180R J T&R ACS 5s 2K7 J T&R ACS 5s 1R5 J T&R ACS 5s 1R2 J T&R ACS 5s 1R J T&R ACS 5s 1R8 J T&R ACS 5s 120R J T&R ACS 5s 2K2 J T&R ACS 5s 150R J T&R ACS 5s 560R J T&R ACS 5s 5R6 J T&R ACS 5s 4R7 J T&R ACS 5s 470R J T&R ACS 5s R12 K T&R ACS 5s R15 K T&R ACS 5s R56 K T&R ACS 5s R33 K T&R ACS 5s R39 K T&R ACS 5s R47 K T&R ACS 5s R82 K T&R ACS 5s R68 K T&R ACS 5s R22 K T&R ACS 5s 8K2 J T&R ACS 5s 6K8 J T&R ACS 5s R4 K BULK ACS5S 560R J TA